We happen to be quite fond of palm trees. In an article in hidden europe last autumn we celebrated the wonderful displays of palms and tender plants on Tresco in the Isles of Scilly. But there are occasional palm trees much further north in Europe.
by hidden europe
Scourie Lodge in northwest Scotland may claim to have the most northerly palm trees in the world, but we think they are wrong. We travel north up the Norwegian coast in search of palm trees that seemingly defy geography.
We happen to be quite fond of palm trees. In an article in hidden europe last autumn we celebrated the wonderful displays of palms and tender plants on Tresco in the Isles of Scilly. But there are occasional palm trees much further north in Europe.
With place names like Pendicles of Collymoon and Nether Easter Offerance, Ordnance Survey Landranger Sheet 57 fires the imagination. Maps tell stories, as do old men in pubs. Like the Tartan traveller we met in the Tyrol who tried to persuade us that Garibaldi had Scottish ancestry. From Baldy Garrow it is but a short step to Garibaldi.
Driving the spinal road which runs the length of South Uist can be a melancholic or an uplifting experience. Few Hebridean islands evoke such mixed responses. In this article, we explore South Uist and find an island of delicate beauty.
Living on a small island demands a willingness to make compromises. Yet islands still have a special appeal. We make time for one of our favourite islands. Nothing much ever happens on Eriskay, and to be honest there’s not really much to see. But this outpost in the Outer Hebrides has a very special magic.