
Notes Archive: 2021

About our notes

Our Notes are published from time to time to comment on aspects of travel, culture, society and politics in and around Europe.

These are opinions and news-related items that complement both the printed magazine and our Letter from Europe and presented with that same quiet authority and perceptive insight that readers of hidden europe magazine have come to expect.

Alsace wines: a personal selection

by hidden europe

To accompany our Alsace feature in hidden europe 63 (published on 15 March 2021), here’s a selection of Alsace wines which we rate as being very drinkable and reasonable value for money. We have listed them here by grape type - for most wines from the Alsace region are labelled to show the grape type (for example Riesling, Gewürztraminer or Pinot Noir). Very few of the still wines from Alsace are made from blends of more than one type of grape. Our listings focus mainly on dry or off-dry wines from the region.

Switching to an .eu domain name

by hidden europe

We have switched the hidden europe domain name from to to clarify that we are based in the European Union. This change has been on the agenda for some time and it seemed a good moment now to implement it.