hidden europe 61

Preview hidden europe 62

by hidden europe


A look ahead at hidden europe 62 which will be published on 11 November 2020.

Issue 62 of hidden europe will be published on Thursday 11 November 2020 — the Feast of St Martin of Tours and a day associated with winemaking, paper lanterns and roast goose. In that upcoming issue of the magazine we shall explore how Baedeker kept his guidebooks up to date, follow Rainer Maria Rilke to the Castello di Duino near Trieste and hike the Juliana Trail in Slovenia. Our article on the Muslim communities of the Baltic region, initially planned for hidden europe 61, has been held over and will now appear in issue 62.

We have recently changed how we distribute our regular Letter from Europe, giving a new lease of life (we hope) to a free e-newsletter which has now been around for more than 15 years. You can see over 500 back issues online and sign up to receive the e-brief at www.letter-from-europe.eu.